Auto insurance policies have few coverages that individuals should have; when they purchase for auto insurance. Those policies can include collision, comprehensive and underinsured motorists’ coverages and to name a few.
Collision and Comprehensive coverage
Collision defines as damage impact to an Auto by another object or vehicle, or the upset of vehicle.
Comprehensive coverage also known as other than collision and can cover most of the damages that is not excluded by the policy. The perils that’s other than collision contains but not limited to fire, wind, storm, water, hail or flood, breakage of glass, riot etc.
If the glass breakage is caused by collision, then the insured has option of utilizing as collision loss which would avoid double indemnity loss from other than collision coverage.
Underinsured motorists’ coverage
Underinsured motorists’ coverage is mandatory in some states but not all. Usually, it is added through an endorsement within personal auto policy. This coverage mainly fills the difference between the amount that’s shows within minimum state liability requirement that is carried by at fault driver vs. insured actual damaged amount for bodily is injury.
Overall, these coverages can avoid any unforeseen situations that arises out from any accidents and protects individuals from any damages that occurs.